List of Must-Read Law Books for Every Nigerian
Apart from gaining knowledge on issues bothering on employment, tenancy, divorce, and your constitutional and human rights, there are many reasons why you should read a law book once in a while.
It is also important to get such knowledge to reduce the chances of you getting swindled by deceptive legal practitioners who are looking for any chance to make off with ignorant clients.
Law books are especially important for law students and aspiring lawyers who are yet to gain admission into the university or are yet to be called to bar. It is important to study as many law books as you can as a law student because you will definitely need the knowledge when in the field.
In this article, I’ll list several law books by both from Nigerian and foreign authors that every Nigerian should read.
These books can be read by anyone including ordinary citizens, law students, legal practitioners and those in other fields. They cut across constitutional law, property/land law, company/tax/commercial/intellectual property law, contract law, criminal law, employment/labour law, environment/petroleum law, family law, human rights/international law, legal system and general information on the legal system.
There are also several motivational and self-development books that are not directly related to the legal system but will help you build the confidence you need in court as a law student or lawyer.
Where to Buy Law Books in Nigeria
Knowing the right law books to read is one thing and buying or getting them is another. The problem many people face when trying to get one book or another is finding the book whether on the internet (to download in PDF format) or in stores. However, there are much easier ways to get law books and I’ll list them here.
There are several suppliers and dealers of Law books in Nigeria and finding them shouldn’t be difficult. All you have to do is simply go to, an online directory of suppliers and dealers on every kind of product. Simply search for law books and you will find many suppliers and dealers who specialize in law books and other tools required by lawyers and law students. Choose the ones closest to your location and obtain their address and contact information on the website.
If you are a law student, then you can easily make use of your school library. Most top-level school libraries are well equipped and you can get any kind of law book you would require in such libraries. You can also check for public libraries around your area and explore their directories.
There are several online websites, like, that specialize in the sales of books and you might be able to find the law book you are looking for on these sites. Other sites like (Nigerian Legal Information Institute) are focused on providing information for Nigerians on Legislation, Legal education and the location of law firms in Nigerian. You can also find recommendations of law books on their website.
List of Law Books in Nigeria
Constitutional Law
Author: Akande, J.O.
Book: The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999
Author: Nwabueze, B. O.
Books: Ideas and Facts in Constitution-Making and A Constitutional History of Nigeria, London
Author: Ojo, A.
Book: Constitutional Law and Military Rule in Nigeria Ibadan
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Author: Asein, J.O.
Books: Nigerian Copyright Law and Practice, A Decade of Copyright Law in Nigeria, and The Nigerian Copyright Act with Introduction and Notes
Author: Babalola, Olumide
Book: Casebook on Corporate Law & Practice
Author: Irukwu, J.O.
Book: The Company, The Shareholder, The Director and the Law Enugu, Nigeria
Author: Jimoh, A.
Book: Nigerian Investment Law and Business Regulations, Lagos
Author: Ola, C.S.
Books: Company law in Nigeria and Income Tax Law and Practice in Nigeria
Author: Orojo, J.O.
Book: Company Law and Practice in Nigeria
Author: Shyllon. F.
Book: Intellectual Property Law in Nigeria
Author: Uvieghara, E.E. (ed.)
Books: Essays on Copyright Law and Administration in Nigeria and Sale of Goods (and hire-purchase) Law in Nigeria
Contract Law
Author: Sagay, I.
Book: Nigerian Law of Contract Ibadan
Author: Yakubu, J. A.
Book: International Contracts: Evolution and Theory
Criminal Law
Author: Karibi – Whyte, A.G.
Book: History and Sources of Nigerian Criminal Law
Author: Okonkwo, C. O., Okonkwo, and Naish
Book: Criminal Law in Nigeria
Author: Ola C.S.
Books: Criminal Responsibilities and Defences under the Nigerian Law and Mens rea in Statutory Offences in Nigeria
Employment/Labour Law
Author: Emiola, A.
Book: Nigerian Labour Law
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Book: Nigerian Labour and Employment Law in Perspective
Author: Okany, C. O.
Book: Nigerian Law of Real Property
Environmental/Petroleum Law
Author: Etikerentse, G.,
Book: Nigerian Petroleum Law
Author: Okorodudu-Fubara,
Book: M.T. Law of Environmental Protection
Family Law
Author: Nwogugu,
Book: Family Law in Nigeria
Author: Obi, S.N.C.,
Book: Modern Family Law in Southern Nigeria
Author: Sagay, I.,
Book: Nigerian Family Law: Principles, Cases, Statutes, and Commentaries
Human Rights/International Law
Author: Ijalaye, D.
Book: The Extension of Corporate Personality in International Law Dobbs Ferry
Author: Umozurike
Book: Introduction to International Law
Legal System/General
Author: Agbede, I. O.,
Books: Themes on Conflict of Laws and Legal Pluralism
Author: Asein, J.O.
Books: Introduction to Nigerian Legal System and Learning the Law: A Beginner’s Guide to Legal Studies in Nigeria
Author: Obilade, A. O.
Book: The Nigerian Legal System
Author: Osinbajo, Y and Fogam, K.
Books: Nigerian Media Law and Cases and Materials on Nigerian Law of Evidence
Property/Land Law
Author: Elias, T.O.,
Book: Nigerian Land Law
Author: James, R.W.,
Book: Modern Land Law of Nigeria
Author: Jegede, M.I.
Book: Law of Trusts, Bankruptcy, and Administration of Estates
Author: Nwabueze, B. O.
Book: Nigerian Land Law
Author: Oluyede, P.A.O.
Book: Modern Nigerian Land Law
Author: Utuama, A.A.
Book: Nigerian Law of Real Property
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This category consists of books by foreign authors and they focus on improving your speaking and persuasion skills, and ability to make a case as a lawyer. These books are aimed at helping you improve as a lawyer by developing the skills needed to stay afloat in the legal system.
Author: Gerry Spence
Book: How to Argue & Win Every Time
Authors: Antonin Scalla and Bryan, A. Garner
Book: The Art of Persuading Judges
Author: Terence MacCarthy
Book: MacCarthy on Cross Examination
Author: Jonathan Harr
Book: A Civil Action
What Others are Reading
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- All You Need to Know About Contract Law in Nigeria
Please i need list of nigeria law books that includes, tittle, authors name, SIBN, year of publication and prices.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Ayo Joseph
good morning ma/sir, please i need price list for your Nigeria law books authors,
Title of the book
Name of the author
Year of publication
thanks and hope to hear from you soon.